Monday, November 16, 2009

Giving Away Toys

About a week ago I found myself constantly picking up toys around the house and getting extremely frustrated because I knew that my son's birthday and christmas were soon approaching and there was no way this living room could handle more toys. So I said to my son that we should really go through his toys and figure out what he isn't playing with any longer and give them away to make room for the new toys he will be receiving.

Well, wasn't he the cutest. The next morning before I even had a chance to make my tea he had gone through some of his toys and pulled out 10 small toys that he wanted "me to give away because he doesn't play with them any more." I just looked at him in amazement and was so proud of him. I said that I would put them in a bag and give them to children that don't have any toys. He thought that was "a good idea", and helped me go through the rest of his toys to review what he was willing to give away.

Three bags later, we had not even made a dent in the stuffed animals, had cleaned out some of the bigger toys he doesn't play with any longer, and had some nice toys to pass along. I called my friend Lisa because I remember her telling me that she does something similar with her daughter Peyton before Christmas every year and I wanted to find out who she gives them to. There is a woman around the corner from her that collects items for a shelter with mothers and children close by. Perfect!

As we approach the holidays I think it is a perfect time for younger children to understand the spirit of giving and especially to those who are less fortunate. Is it time that you cleaned out your child's toy box and gave those toys to children who could really use them?

I think I want to make this a yearly tradition!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Vaccination Choice

When my son was born, almost three years ago, I had already been talking with parents for a few years about the possible link between vaccines and autism. At the time certain vaccines were laced with mercury, which I find interesting, since pregnant women are told to stay away from certain fish, sushi and even more than a can of tuna fish a week because of mercury. But yet, once a baby is born it seems ok to give them vaccines that may contain mercury?

So as a parent, and the guardian of my son, I feel it is my choice to make sure that he is not given anything that is not safe for him or may be harmful in some way. In doing so I wanted a Pediatrician that understands my beliefs and is willing to give me the pros and cons about certain vaccines and then ultimately leave the decision up to me.

And I am not alone in that thinking. In 2008 an organization formed in New Jersey that I happily signed up to support -- it is called the New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice. Recently they called all their troops together in support of Republican Chris Christie for governor, who for the first time made an unprecedented and historic move by making an official campaign promise in support of vaccination choice. He further cemented his position on live radio with Don Imus, by becoming the first gubernatorial candidate to utter the words vaccines, autism and parental choice in the same sentence. Vaccine choice supporters showed up in record numbers to cast their vote for Christie.

Anger towards Governor Corzine has been building. It is well known that New Jersey, Autism Capital of the world, is also Ground Zero for mandated shots for school. Many parents and grandparents blame environmental causes, including the state's ultra-aggressive vaccine schedule. The "Freedom of Choice" rally in Trenton last fall garnered national media attention and catapulted this issue into the mainstream dialogue. On the heels of Corzine's 2008 decision to add four additional vaccine mandates to the state's already crowded schedule, thousands of parents have lined up to attend vaccination choice seminars and protests across the state.

I feel every parent should have the choice to decide what is safe and not safe for their child, and not be mandated to give their child something that could be life altering. Why should our state be allowed to mandate MORE vaccines and a flu shot for our children to be allowed into school?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Busy Launching Company on National Level

This blog entry is an apology to my readers for being out of touch for the last two months. As all moms can relate there are only so many balls that one can juggle in the air; and for the last couple of months I have been putting pieces together, finalizing my business plan, and tapping into resources that I will need, to launch A Child's Voice onto a national platform.

So while doing this, a few things needed to be put aside, in order for me to do the other roles well -- that of a business woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter (also went to visit my parents in Florida with my son for a long weekend) and a friend.

I look forward to getting back into writing this blog and bringing more "motherhood juggling" and "insights" to my readers.