I can remember thinking when Zack was just a baby, that I couldn't wait until he could talk. I wanted to hear what he was thinking, have discussions with him about the world and everything in it, and listen to what is important to him. Now as he continues putting words together, I am amazed every day at how much of a sponge he is, soaking up everything around him, and what a great memory he has.
But the downside of that is, it now becomes difficult to talk around him!! When I am trying to have a conversation with my husband, or talk on the phone, he wants to be part of everything going on and it can sometimes cause breakdowns in my adult conversations.
Yesterday was a perfect example, my husband took the day off from work to get some odd jobs done around the house, and later in the afternoon while hanging out with Zack, we were talking about our upcoming schedules when Zack interrupted to say "No talk mommy, no talk." I stopped in mid sentence and stared at him. I was amazed, and dumb founded; he isn't even 2 years old yet and already he is starting to dictate to me!!
The balance now becomes helping him to maintain his strong willed, outspoken personality, while not having it lead to bad habits. With parents every day it is a constant struggle to guide their children, create boundaries and not stiffle their personalities.
It also forces me to figure out ways to not have a break down occur in my adult conversations as well because those relationships also need to flourish. Striking a balance!!
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