Friday, June 13, 2008

Communication Meltdowns

At 18 months my son has quite a repertoire of words in his vocabulary, and he has started putting a couple of words together. So most of the time, between the words he can say, him pointing and gesturing, I can usually figure out what he wants.

Or there are times when he says a word I don't understand, but I try to pretend that I do -- to acknowledge him.

However, lately he has started having meltdowns because he wants to say more, but hasn't mastered the words yet. Or we think he wants something and it is obviously not what he wants and he gets extremely upset and frustrated.

In my coaching practice I have worked with parents of children ages 4-6 that are having temper tantrums because they can't express their feelings....why they are angry, and what is really going on underneath the anger. I coach parents on how to dialogue with their children to help them find the words to express their concerns.

I know my son is struggling because he wants to talk and express himself, but he hasn't learned the language. I am sure that once he get those words down, though, he will never stop talking!
As with everything, this challenging time will pass!

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