Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Maintaining Balance of Work and Baby

This is the hardest part of being a mom. How to be a successful at work, maintain an identity that is not just being mom, but also spend quality time helping to shape, nurture and guide your child to become a strong, independent person.

I am constantly working at balancing the right amount of time away at work -- that time away allows me to be the person I am, and it also provides an example to my son of a role model that hopefully he will respect. In the right environment, the time that he spends away from me will also provide further growth opportunities for him -- by being with other kids and interacting with other role models.

Then when I am with him, I try to spend that dedicated time with him, with as little work interruptions as possible.

How to find and achieve that balance is an ongoing struggle, but knowing what your goal is -- provides a template to shoot for.

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