Tuesday, October 7, 2008

St. Gerard's Home for Unwed Mothers

When I was in Florida in August, while conducting a seminar and book signing for women "Starting Their Families" I was surprised to see 3 teenage girls from the nearby St. Gerard's Home for unwed mothers, attend my seminar. If anyone needed advice and encouragement while pregnant, it was these three girls. One was 18, one was 16, and one was 15. They all planned on keeping their babies, and I had to reflect on how challenging my first year was with my son, and what a difficult road these girls were facing.

They were kids themselves, with boyfriends somewhat involved, and huge financial struggles ahead of them. One girl had even been kicked out of her parents house because she was pregnant -- which led her to St. Gerard's. I couldn't even imagine the emotional struggle she is dealing with, not having her family to support her, at such a difficult time in her life!!

She was the one that shared with me the high number of teenagers becoming pregnant today -- 1 in 10 teenagers!! And how little information there was out there to give them advice and direction. What is to become of these children, that are being born to children??

To all parents out there that are struggling to juggle their children and their lives, just think about how much more difficult it would be if you were a teenager trying to raise a baby!!!

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