Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stresses of Traveling With Toddler (Part II)

One way to alleviate stress was to not travel with extra items that I could arrange another way. That way came in the form of -- a national company that rented everything needed for baby and toddlers. I was able to rent a crib and booster seat for Zack, for my mother-in-law's house and it was great -- they arranged to deliver it, set it up, and came by to pick up when I left. Which was ideal when I arrived at the house with Zack asleep in the backseat of my rental car (worn out); I was able to pick him up, carry him into the bedroom, and place him in the ready made crib!

Although what I wasn't prepared for was his disrupted sleep the first night while getting acclimated to a new place, and as we ended up sharing a room, I didn't sleep well most of the week. I have now become an extremely light sleeper, after becoming a mom, and any noises he would make, would wake me up! So little sleep did not help in the way of patience.

And the biggest stressor that I didn't account for was him not handling the transition of house to house very well. He is normally very independent and will want me, but if he knows I am around he is fine. But while away, he didn't want me out of his sight, which made walking out of the room difficult, and he would break down in tears if I even went to the bathroom or tried to take a shower.

It was also difficult for family members that don't get to see him that often, they weren't sure what to do or how to calm him down. Needless to say, it was an extremely difficult week -- no matter how many solutions I tried to put in place!

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